Peter Gynd, "Mason Jar Orange"
Regular price $1,000.00
Peter Gynd, "Monobrow"
Regular price $650.00
Peter Gynd, "Night Chaise"
Regular price $350.00
Peter Gynd, "Night Light"
Peter Gynd, "Nine people in the Audience and Thirteen on Stage,"
Regular price $1,800.00
Peter Gynd, "Nipika"
Regular price $600.00
Peter Gynd, "Nuts and Bolts"
Regular price $800.00
Peter Gynd, "Nuts and Bolts" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "On Accounts of Change I"
Peter Gynd, "On Accounts of Change II"
Peter Gynd, "On Accounts of Change III"
Peter Gynd, "On Accounts of Change IV"
Regular price $1,200.00
Peter Gynd, "Orange you Glad I didn’t say Banana"
Peter Gynd, "Outside of an object before volume"
Peter Gynd, "Peter Gynd The now that is eternal"
Peter Gynd, "Peter Gynd What appears to set Freedom and pleasure at odds"
Peter Gynd, "Practical solutions to the management of water"
Peter Gynd, "Questions Come with more Answers" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "Recognition of the forces behind all occurrences"
Peter Gynd, "Recognizing and understanding the value in each situation"
Peter Gynd, "Regionally specific human culture" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "Right words crossing Fables"
Peter Gynd, "Saturday Morning"
Peter Gynd, "Second Time in a Row" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "See you on Saturday at 10:30 but Next Week not Today"
Peter Gynd, "Sending it Home" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "Side Steppin"
Peter Gynd, "Sideburns"
Peter Gynd, "Small gaps in the fabric of normal space"
Peter Gynd, "Some of my Best Friends are Trees" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "Something Like This" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "Somewhere along the Road to Nowhere"
Peter Gynd, "Stormy Daniels on her bed"
Peter Gynd, "Swimming Upstream"
Peter Gynd, "Swish Swash" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "That which longs to see the beauty beyond the truth"
Peter Gynd, "That which longs to see the beauty in truth"
Peter Gynd, "The anarchy of lust"
Peter Gynd, "The buildings will be built on the same foundations" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "The cause or 'causes of order in the Universe"
Peter Gynd, "The commerce of creative spirit"
Peter Gynd, "The dominant culture of most cultures" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "The great recycler of old parts"
Peter Gynd, "The isolation that van Gogh experienced at his little yellow house in Arles"
Peter Gynd, "The Mystery of Beloved Friends"
Peter Gynd, "The now that is eternal"
Peter Gynd, "The observed world and the observed self" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "The recovered memory of things" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "The Spectacle of Immensity that first meets the Eye"