Booth # E8
Artist Spotlight : Peter Gynd
Peter Gynd, "Things Unexplained That Are Left To Believe In"
Regular price $4,500.00
Peter Gynd, "In Perfect Bodies In Perfect Times"
Peter Gynd, "All the parts more or less Alike Yet None the Same"
Peter Gynd, "A fascination with a certain set of Facts"
Peter Gynd, "In Town for the Weekend"
Regular price $1,200.00
Peter Gynd, "Hedges"
Peter Gynd, "The Structure of the Form that holds Us"
Regular price $1,000.00
Peter Gynd, "You can walk on water when you need to" SOLD
Regular price $800.00
Peter Gynd, "Without any objective claim on us as Human Beings" SOLD
Regular price $650.00
Peter Gynd, "What holds an illusion to truth" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "Those who cloak themselves in good deeds"
Peter Gynd, "The use of beauty to exert power through pleasing"
Peter Gynd, "The Ultimate acceptance of Truth"
Peter Gynd, "The Spectacle of Immensity that first meets the Eye"
Peter Gynd, "Small gaps in the fabric of normal space"
Peter Gynd, "Regionally specific human culture" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "Nuts and Bolts" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "Mason Jar in Orange"
Peter Gynd, "Many scholars talking from their Desks" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "Blue Hedges" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "A social and emotional support"
Peter Gynd, "A romantic stranger"
Peter Gynd, "Words, like reality, are out there to be explored"
Peter Gynd, "With musical qualities Inherent In Words"
Peter Gynd, "Peter Gynd What appears to set Freedom and pleasure at odds"
Peter Gynd, "Unrelated to the pleasures of Feminine allure" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "The observed world and the observed self" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "Peter Gynd The now that is eternal"
Peter Gynd, "The isolation that van Gogh experienced at his little yellow house in Arles"
Peter Gynd, "The great recycler of old parts"
Peter Gynd, "The dominant culture of most cultures" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "The cause or 'causes of order in the Universe"
Peter Gynd, "The buildings will be built on the same foundations" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "The anarchy of lust"
Peter Gynd, "That which longs to see the beauty beyond the truth"
Peter Gynd, "Sideburns"
Peter Gynd, "Recognizing and understanding the value in each situation"
Peter Gynd, "Monobrow"
Peter Gynd, "Living amongst borrowed glamour"
Peter Gynd, "It is not an unstoppable property because it is not a Property at All" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "Helluva time to go for an exit"
Peter Gynd, "From calloused Hands to tender hearts"
Peter Gynd, "Founded on the suspicion of Unverifiable truths"
Peter Gynd, "Forming the basis of a reality that we know to be our own"
Peter Gynd, "Faith in one’s self can’t easily be given by another" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "An economy of intention"
Peter Gynd, "Adapting to human quirks" SOLD
Peter Gynd, "A relationship built on an equitable balance"
Peter Gynd, "A particular game of pretense obliging us to think and imagine certain things and not others"
Peter Gynd, "A certain compatible solitude"